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Showing posts from June, 2015

Tips To Get Sitelinks In Google Search Results - Blogger

Sitelinks are some links that are showing below site in search engines. Its not just in Google search results but in Bing, Yahoo and also in Yandex. There is no idea how to get sitelinks, even Google says that sitelinks are automatically generated links to help visitors reach important pages of your site. Also you have no control over which page you want in sitelinks and also there is no code which can do it. You might be thinking that if nothing is known about sitelinks, how am I going to get it for my site ? Well, the answer is simple you will get it as I got them ! What Are Google Search Result Sitelinks: Above is the sceenshot of sitelinks of my blog. If you search "101helper" oon Google you will see the sitelinks live. These are featured links from my blog and are shown to visitors to help them reach deeper pages or help them to reach the content of interest on a site. Note that sitelinks never remain the same they change time to time and we have no control over it. Goog...

How To Add Fanciest Author Box Below Posts In Blogger

Author box is among the trending widgets now a days because people who have blogs or websites want to get more followers and stay in touch with their fans. My recent post was also about "Author boxes with different styles for blogger"  and once again I am about to share a new author box which will be added below every post in your blog. It is called fancy author box. It is designed with javascript and css and doesn't effect your blog's load time. If you liked this gadget and want to add it in your blog below every post then follow below mentioned steps: Step 1: Go to blogger dashboard and navigate to template. Step 2: Click inside the code and search for below code by using Ctrl+F on your keyboard: <div class = 'post-footer' > Step 3: You will find the above code two times if you are using simple template but if you are using a custom or other template then you will find it many times. Now copy the below code and paste it after the second code in simple...

How To Add Youtube And Dailymotion Videos In Blogger Posts

Video tutorials are the best way to help users how to do something. For instance a blog about doing something like blogging or a tutorial blog becomes best one when it has step by step text tutorials as well as video tutorials. Now a days tutorial blogs are trending so every blogger is trying his best to make his blog better than other by improving its user experience. User experience improves when users are satisfied and video tutorials are the best tutorials to help and satisfy users because users can see how to do something. So if you have a blog and you have already setup a Youtube or Dailymotion channel and you want to embedded your videos in your blogger blog posts in order to get more views or to improve your visitors experience then you have reached to right place. In this post I will show you how to embedded videos in blogger posts. In the end of this post you can watch video tutorial also. Hope you like it. How To Add Youtube Videos In Blogger Posts: Step 1: Create a video an...

Infolinks - The Best Ad Network For Bloggers

Most of the blogs are created to monetize them by ads and earn money but it is a confusing step to choose a good ad network for a blog. Everybody wish to monetize his blog with a network which pays the highest rates. But most of the ad networks becomes a reason of disappointment because even if you have a high traffic and unique visitors they don't pay enough rates. Now a days the most popular and highest paying ad network is Google Adsense but Google Adsense is not approved easily so you can use alternative ad network of Google Adsense which is Infolinks. Infolinks could also be called all in one and the best ad network for bloggers because it has following features: (1). In-Text Ads: If you are desired to monetize your blog by in-text ads then infolinks is the best ad network for you because it lets you to enable in-text ads for your content, you can choose colors for your ads as well as choose a custom color for them, moreover you can choose whether the ads should be of double b...

Grabable Responsive Promotion Bubble Gadget For Blogger

After creating a blog the most important thing is to promote it. A blog can be promoted by two means one is promotion though social networks while other is to promote it by making efforts in right way. By right way I mean to use some gadgets and internal linking. Everybody is aware of off-page seo so if you read about it then you must know the importance of internal linking and gadgets like related posts, popular post etc. Internal linking is also beneficial in promoting a specific post because it helps your visitors to reach to that post. Similarly now you can promote a specific post or page of your blog is an advance way by using "Promotion bubble gadget" you can see a live demo of this gadget on this page(Seo tools bubble). Features: Its free! Easy to install. Good look! Visitors can grab and move this bubble. It grabs the interest of visitors so it increases your chances to get more traffic to that post or page.  Clean coding, it isn't made to slow down your blog. It ...

Related Posts Widget For Blogger Mobile

A very important factor of off page seo is internal linking, it means to inter link other posts with the post you write. Internal linking is good for seo as well as it increases your page views because it is the way by which visitors reach to your posts. Internal linking is of two types one is to mention links of older posts in new post and the second is to add a related , recent ,  recommendation  or featured posts widget in your blog. It helps visitors to reach to more posts and read them. Related post widget is most popular in desktop sites but now you can add related posts widget in your blogger mobile site to engage your mobile visitors to your blog. So in this post I will show you how to add related posts widget in blogger mobile site . You can see a live demo of this widget in my blog either in your smartphone or on desktop. Just visit my blog's mobile site by this link Before we start, first optimize your blog's mobile site by reading this...

How To Create Transparent Images For Blog Posts

Blogging and creating a powerful blog post is impossible without images. Images makes a blog post more interesting and easy to understand. Two things which grab interest of visitors are title and images. Other things are also important to create a powerful post like good content, colorful post and frank behavior. As images are important for a good post therefore images should be created in such a way that suits your post. For example some bloggers add effects to images. Sometimes transparent images are needed in post but most of blogger don't know how to create transparent images, so in this post I will show you how to create transparent images using online tools. So in this post you will learn two things: (1).  How to create a new transparent image for blog post. (2).  How to make an existing image transparent. How to create a new transparent image for blog post: Step 1: Go to Step 2: Click on create new image . Step 3: Give a title to your image...

How To Customize Blogger Static Pages With Css

Static pages are those pages of a blog which are created as posts are created for example Contact page, About page, Sitemap Page, Advertise Page etc. Blogger static pages look like posts except if you have used CSS or Javascript to make it different then post pages. And all the static pages should be different then post pages to make them look like they are apart of posts. So in this post I will show you how to customize static pages in blogger with CSS. Follow below mentioned steps to customize your static pages: Step 1: Go to blogger dashboard and navigate to Pages. Step 2: Edit your page. Step 3: Switch to Html editor of the page. Step 4: Now you have to add your css codes, so copy your desired code and paste it in your page's html editor: Before copying code add the below piece of codes in the html editor in the top or bottom of the editor: <style> </style> Now all you have to do is to copy code for desired functions and paste it in between: <style> </style...

How To Show Ads In Blogger Feed

Do you have a feed for your blog and you have many readers, if yes then you can get benefit of it by enabling ads in your blog feed. It will help you to increase your earnings. You can add something else instead of ads also like your sitelinks, images, social profile buttons or comments. But it is good only if you have alot of blog readers. So In this post I will show you how to show ads or something else below every post in your blog feed. If you haven't set-up an RSS feed for your blog click here  to set it up now. Before we start, let me tell you that it will show all kinds of ads in live feed but in E-mails that are sent to your subscribers will contain only the ads you create on your own(promotions) or image banners(affiliate marketing). I am not sure about Google ads but banner ads are shown in E-mails, so if you are promoting on of your blog post or someone's blog through E-mails then use the following code: <a href=' Url Of Affiliate/Advertiser's site url/pro...